Streetly Lodge Freemasons sponsored the training material for 2 new volunteers for the Walsall & District Samaritans.

Samaritans have been active in Walsall for over 50 years, providing non-judgemental, listening support to anyone in emotional crisis and distress. They offer support to local schools, prisons, businesses and at railways stations as required. Their aim is for less people to die by suicide.

Sharon Dicken, Deputy Director of Samaritans Walsall & District, presented to Streetly Lodge Freemason before their Meeting in November 2022.
Her statistics were truly saddening. With suicides accounting for 5219 deaths in 2021 (England) and 75% of those being men, Samaritans contribute a life-saving service to the community.
This year, she would like to recruit 14 new volunteers. Each volunteer costs £150 to cover training materials and support.
Thank you to Sharon and Sue for taking the time to educate us.

The core values of Freemasonry are Friendship, Integrity and Charity. Streetly Lodge are proud to support the Samaritans, particularly in Walsall and the district.
If you are a man of 18 years + and would like to know more about Freemasonry in the Walsall and surrounding areas, get in touch. We make a positive difference in our community, whilst providing lasting friendships.